Tourist scams happen all over the world. Taking caution can help you stay safe, but you cannot always predict when things will go awry. It is important to know what kind of cons there are so that you can navigate safely in situations where they most likely occur. I am, therefore, explaining the common tourist scams and how to avoid them
1.) Fake Officials
During the trip, you would think that you should be able to trust the police or security. Every time on trains and on the streets, you will meet false officials who ask to see your documents. Once you hand them your identification documents they start asking for a bribe in order to return your papers. Be very vigilant against these impostors who are nothing but thugs looking for easy money.
How to Avoid It
Never give your goods to anyone. Ask to see their correct ID, and insist on handling the matter at the local police station.
2.) Overcharging of taxi
This is one of the most common problems that occur with almost everyone who is traveling to a new country or city. Either the driver will tell you that the meter is broken and try to charge you more or you will see the meter go up faster than usual.
How to avoid it
To avoid this scourge, first of all, you need to know how much the ride should cost. You can ask the hostel or hotel staff what the fares are in the area and how much you should pay for a few miles. If you ask this from the locals prior to booking a taxi, you will not be ripped off.
3.) Spoon of your clothes
This is a classic form of scam that is rife across the globe. Suppose you are taking a careless stroll down a street unaware about what could turn bad. The next moment you see or feel something on your clothes or body. It is usually thrown at you by a thug who then approaches you as a friendly stranger to wipe it off as a courtesy. Do not let them come near because they will attempt to steal your wallet or anything they could get their hands on in the name of cleaning your clothes. By the time you find out you’ve been duped, the friendly person would have fled the scene. Sometimes they do it deliberately and ask for forgiveness by wiping it off, but now you know what to do. Just wipe it yourself and carry on with your journey.
How to avoid it
Beware of intruders if it is a crowded place. If this happens, push people away and clean yourself up.
4.) False WiFi terminals
While you can get WiFi almost anywhere these days, any of these free open connections can be dangerous. Hackers will set up unprotected wifi in public places where unexpected victims eagerly connect and lose their private data such as card information, bank details, and passwords- giving the thief access to your computer, online accounts, and more.
How to avoid it
Always ask the hotel/coffee shop/flight crew what the official wifi connection is, especially when you get a temptation to connect to an unlocked connection.
5.) Injured Or Child Beggars
Usually, an injured person or a minor (sometimes with his or her mother) will come to you and ask for money. Children are also often exploited by gangs for money laundering. Why? Because it is difficult for most people to say no to the elderly, the injured, or the young. Sometimes these thugs just attempt to find the spot where you keep your wallet so they can pick it.
How to avoid it
It is almost impossible to distinguish who is legal and who is not, so in my opinion, it is never safe to give money to anyone. However, we can buy them food or give them old clothes. This way your money goes to helping people.